In addition to sorting products by manufacturers or series, you can assign any category you specify to an item. They facilitate the effective display of products, because you can easily build convenient navigation in the store based on the categories of products. By appropriate categorization, the online store allows customers to filter products and choose the most interesting, which results in gaining a competitive advantage and the required level of sales.
An important goal of properly categorizing products is to achieve your target turnover and margin. You can monitor the sale of goods broken down into categories on an ongoing basis in the module reports and analyzes.
Based on the data obtained, you can fill in and shape promotion strategies and conclude which part of the assortment is worth expanding and which does not deliver the expected profits.
The IdoSell Category is a classifier that allows you to precisely define to which thematic group a given product belongs. It is a feature specified separately for each item, independently assigned to the "item category in the panel".
IdoSell Categories are used in integration with external systems. You assign the product to the category only once, and the appropriate categories of external websites will be set automatically. One IdoSell Category is used for the entire integration with multiple services e.g.:
Google Shopping
In addition, on the list of sold products, you also have the option of generating a report with a column informing about the IdoSell Category to which the given products belongs. This column is also visible in the exported ODS file.
As in the case of the category of products in the panel, you can analyze the number of goods sold with a given IdoSell Category.
In addition, once assigned IdoSell Category releases you from the obligation to check whether the category still exists on external websites - any mappings will be performed on the side of the IdoSell service.