Frequently asked questions about PayPal

What is PayPal Seller Protection?

Seller protection means the ability to return funds or remove a charge by PayPal when:

  • a chargeback or charge removal has been issuead, which PayPal transaction status is Unauthorized payment
  • a chargeback or a claim has been issued, for which a seller provides Did not received a product reason

What requirements have to be met to use Seller Protection?

To use PayPal Seller Protection, you should make sure whether:

  • a product is in accordance with the description
  • a products was not delivered/picked up personally
  • purchased product is a physical item
  • seller's account has to meet requirements which were listed in the agreement with the PayPal service user
  • a parcel has to meet requirements which were listed in the agreement with the PayPal service user
  • a product has to be sent to the shipping address specified on transaction details page
  • a single payment was made in the transaction, as partial or installment payments will not be accepted

Which currencies are supported in IdoSellShop integration with PayPal?

Paypal integration enables receiving payments in the following currencies: AUD, BRL, CAD, CNY, CZK, DKK, EUR, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MYR, MXN, TWD, NZD, NOK, PHP, PLN, GBP, RUB, SGD, SEK, CHF, THB oraz USD

How to enable cash back returns for Paypal?

Cash back returns are available for all payments made via PayPal, from the level of an order card in the IdoSell administration panel, as long as the order is in process. After the order is sent, a refund can be issued via the returns management. The same as in case of orders, a refund can be confirmed on a return card in the Refunds section of the administration panel.

How fast will a customer receive money from a cash back?

Cash back is transferred to PayPal in real time and its management depends on the payment system. The operation is normally accepted by PayPal within few minutes. In case of card payments, the refund is made to the card, in case of other payment methods – to the PayPal balance. Final refund is made within a few days.

PayPal has reversed the payment for the order itself - why?

In very rare and justified cases, PayPal may reverse payment directly from your account to the buyer's account. You should receive information about the reason for this decision from PayPal in an email.

If the order to which the payment is reversed is still in progress, its status will be set to "on hold" and this information will go into your order history.

If the order has already been shipped, its status will not be changed, but the information about the withdrawal of the payment by PayPal will be noted in its history.

PayPal reversed payment - PayPal reversed payment