Transfers between owned stocks

If you have multiple own stocks, it could happen, that you will have to transfer some products to another stock. I.e. when stocks are different cities and customer ordered personal collection. facilitates this process also, by providing you with appropriate tools to obtain your goals.

Using the Transfer between own stocks function will of course generate a special document in the system. To withdraw products from one of stocks to source stock, use the Withdraw products to M[stock_number] stock option.

Store has two stocks: in London (M1) and in Dublin (M2). Customer order 100 items with personal collection in London, so it is necessary to move products from M2 to M1.

Using this function will allow you to keep order in your stocks, issue adequate documents and check, who made transfer between stocks and also when and why.

What is the basis for setting stock, from which order should be sent?

System intelligently assigns such stock.

Condition to be fulfilled, so that indicated stock should be treated as shipping stock, is properly configured Shipping stock, that can be found in ADMINISTRATION / Configuration of stocks and stock management. Only stocks with the above-mentioned option set to YES are taken under consideration.

After verifying, from which stocks shipment is possible, system checks, which stocks have products ordered by your customer and sets the one with the highest amount of products as the shipping stock. It allows to minimize costs of transferring products between stocks, especially when distance between them is large.

If there is exactly the same number of desired products on your stocks, the shipping stock will be the one with the highest priority - it can be set in ADMINISTRATION / Configuration of stocks and stock management.

Assigning default stock, from which orders are completed, does not limit your possibility of changing stock later. You can choose the one you want in order edition.

What is Stock in delivery and how is it related to transfers between own stocks?

It is a state, product is in after shipping it from source stock and before it is accepted in destination stock. It is directly related to Transfer between own stocks operation. In other words, it is every place (i.e. car, truck, train, plane, ship etc.), in which product is kept while being delivered from one stock to another.

How to use it?
Everyone, making transfers between his stocks, use this rule (even subconsciously), because there are no physical means of instantly transporting products from point A to B without this temporary state of moving products.

Where can I check which products are currently transported?
They can be found in STOCK / Transfers between own stocks / Show transfer documents currently on the way.

What are products currently on the way and list of transfer documents?

Products on the way are group of products currently being delivered to you or transferred from one stock to another. In other words: these are products not received and accepted to stock (you are awaiting them).

List of transfer documents holds all documents issued to products currently on the way to one of your stocks. To find, which products are on the way, go to SALES / Products to put aside, order from suppliers, moved to orders in the administration panel.