Order handling - FAQ

What statuses are used for handling orders?

The IdoSell.com supports a total of 15 orders statuses. They can be divided into two groups.

Basic statuses, that can be set by customer by himself:

  • Sent - products were already sent - courier took them or you came back from post office and you have sending confirmation in your hand. Customer will be informed about this fact by e-mail and order disappears from list of handled orders. You can later find it using search tool or by order opening module.
  • Not handled - order has just been placed and it is not being processed. This status should be set when you are awaiting confirmation.
  • Awaiting payment - you can handle this order, but customer selected advance payment and you are waiting for his payment.
  • Awaiting delivery - to begin to handle order, you need one or more products. If you lack any of order components, it cannot be handled properly. This status should be also set, if you are waiting for products delivery from external stock.
  • In progress - by selecting this status, you inform a customer that their order is being handled. The status means that the order goes to the warehouse to be completed.
  • Packed - status informing that all products have been completed (they are in the cart or on a forklift) and delivered to the packing section, where the order verification is performed.
  • Ready for shipping - status which can be automatically set after the proper order verification. It informs that the order has been packed, verified and is ready to be picked by the courier.
  • Ready for pick up - status analogous to Ready for shipping status aimed at orders with personal collection.
  • Customer canceled - status informs about fact of canceling order.
  • False - status informs that order is false and placed i.e. as a prank.
  • Lost - status informs about loosing ordered products by i.e. courier or maybe last piece of product on stock was broken before shipping it.
  • Return - status informs that customer has returned ordered products for some reason.
  • Complaint - status about complaint reported by customer.
  • On hold - status informs that there is some kind of stop in order handling.
  • Missing - status very similar to Lost status - ordered items were lost by courier.

Special statuses, set automatically by the system:

  • Merged - status is set in merged orders - products were transferred to single order.
  • Unconfirmed - Pending Customer Approval - Orders with this status have been placed by users who are part of the organization and do not have authority to approve the order cost. Once the order is approved by someone in the organization with higher privileges, the order will be able to be processed and will change its status. Orders with this status can appear in the panel if B2B module is active.

Orders statuses and stock quantities

Four statuses affect stock quantities:

  • Lost - change from sent to lost returns products to stock.
  • Missing - change from sent to missing does not return products to stock.
  • Return - change from sent to return returns products to stock.
  • Complaint - change from sent to complaint returns products to stock.

What are the rules of choosing statuses when handling orders?

Change of order status is often tied to a stock quantity change. To keep order in stock quantities, a blockade has been implemented in order handling module. It works in accordance to three basic rules:

1. Choosing one of these statuses allows for further changes:

  • not handled,
  • in progress,
  • on hold,
  • awaiting payment,
  • awaiting delivery,
  • ready for shipping,

2. Setting one of these statuses, you can change them to only present on the list below:

  • customer canceled,
  • false,
  • missing,
  • return,
  • merged,
  • complaint.

3. After setting sent/received status, you can change it to missing or lost only. If you try to change it back to sent/received, the system will inform you, that such operation is undesired, but you can continue it.

Is it possible to calculate order values from net prices, not from gross?

Change of way the system calculates orders value is possible for all new orders globally (this option can be defined in ADMINISTRATION / Shop panel configuration / Modules configuration) and for each order separately. So this kind of change be possible, order should have status that allows for edition and should not have any documents issued.

What should I do when order was cleared with gross prices, a VAT invoice has been already issued to order and customer asks for clearing the order in net prices?

To change clearance method, invoice should be canceled. If original VAT invoice has been sent to customer, it should be retrieved before canceling.

What is Customer black list?

Customer black list can be used to filter potentially false orders on basis of entries from your own data base.

If you are convinced, that currently edited order is false and customer data recur, just add this customer to a so-called black list. As a result, Customer black list database will be updated and this function will suggest marking some of the orders as false.

If you would like to check configuration of this function, you can do this in CUSTOMERS / Customer black list.

Why does the system suggests that customer data are similar to those present on the Customer black list?

It happens, because the system has found some order details similar to those present on CUSTOMERS / Customer black list - address or other contact details.

Can one-time customer track order completion rate in store?

Yes - both one-time and registered customers can check status of their orders without the need of signing in. All they need to do is to visit /order-open.php subpage. They will only have to enter their e-mail address or phone number (used in order placing form) and order ID in a form of login-order_number for registered customers or in format: 2 first name letters, 2 first surname letters, 2 first city name letters, date and hour of order placing - for one-time customers.

Can I advance sale products in the IdoSell.com store?

Handling advance sale in the IdoSell.com is possible. To turn on option of ordering products in advance sales, you need to:

1) Give panel user rights to Advance Sale Stock. Rights to stocks can be assigned in ADMINISTRATION / Panel users management / Authorized to stocks section.

2) Panel user authorized to handle Advance Sale Stock configures stock, naming it, prioritizing it and setting products availability.

3) After configuring Advance Sale Stock delivery document should be issued and products present in it - marked as available in advance sales. Delivery document can be issued in STOCK / Deliveries (GRN, SRN). After adding products to this document as available in advance sale, customers will be able them as those present in your normal stocks.

Notice: If - during delivery document creation - you do not mark the Products available in advance sale field, your shop customers will not be able to order them until you close (accept) the delivery.

4) Visibility of products available in advance sale for shop customer is exactly the same as for the rest of products, but you can of course distinguish them with other graphics or availability descriptions. Other graphics and descriptions can be set in PRODUCTS / Information on product availability displayed in shop / Product availability descriptions.

Who some of orders have additional info in panel, notifying that they should be sent X days ago?

This information is displayed, when current date is later than one displayed to customer at the moment of purchase. In such situations customer can be very disappointed with customer service quality. Information about delay in order completion is visible in order edition mode and on orders list in administration panel.

What can I use it for?

This message is displayed in informational purposes - it should be used by shop staff to improve their performance in sending packages and consumer service quality. It is displayed no matter the selected payment method (advance payment / cash on delivery payment).

Example 1

Customer placed cash-on-delivery payment order and you forgot to send him his package in agreed term. Thanks to information displayed in panel (i.e. "This order should be sent 2 days ago"), you can easily and quickly inform customer about delay.

Example 2

Customer placed advance payment order and did not make his payment until planned shipping date or did not confirm his order. Thanks to information about delay, you can quickly and easily sent another request for confirmation or order placing reminder, because he could simply forgot about this fact.

In both cases, you should utilize e-mail or SMS sending option from earlier-prepared template. Option of creating new and modifying existing templates can be found in MODERATION / Content management for e-mails/SMS sent to customers.

Where in administration panel can I find settings of net and gross prices display in orders?

Settings affecting value calculation method can be found in MODERATION / Shop behavior management / Placing orders. You can set option of clearing orders in net or gross prices in Settings for placing orders process section, Clear orders in prices option.

What are the possibilities of managing products returns or exchanges not ruining the stock management?

Customer or shop staff can report a complaint to handled order. Complaints have its own, independent from order itself, statuses, so customer can be informed about the entire complaining process. When it comes to complains, informing about its status is very important, because it influences the store reception.

How to change/configure rounding up?

Go to ADMINISTRATION / Currency configuration. Here you can set number of decimal places the prices should be rounded up/down to.

How to quicken order packing with "products to put aside" option?

Products to put aside tool has been created to quicken and simplify handling ordered products. Thanks to its functionality it allows to print list of products, that are present in currently handled orders, and find them and transfer from stock to place of packing.

This solution - when you have a large number of different products - is a great ease in everyday order handling, because it shortens time of releasing products from stocks - employees can find products and prepare them for shipment more quickly, when they have them short-listed.

Function can be found in administration panel in SALES / Products to put aside, order from suppliers, moved to orders. Three lists are displayed then:

1. Products to put aside for not handled orders - here you can find a list of all ordered products, you have in your own, local stocks.

2. Products to move to orders from other own stocks - here you can find a list of all ordered products, you have in one of your own stocks and should be transferred to local stock.

3. Products to order from suppliers - here you can find a list of all ordered products, you do not have in own stocks and you have to order from appropriate supplier.

Next - to familiarize yourself with the need for products from particular stock - click on icon in Operations column.

How to set the order return?

Process of accepting/rejecting return of ordered product is following:

1. Return of whole order (setting RETURN status to order):

Step 1. Check products status after receiving them from customer.

Step 2. If everything is O.K., go to Payments section and click on [see the details]. If order is already paid, click on Add return. If it was cash-on-delivery payment order, just click on Cancel.

Step 3. After clearing the payments formalities, change order status to Return. All products will be returned to your stock, from which they were subtracted. You can of course inform customer about status change - by e-mail or SMS.

2. Return of part of order (i.e. 2 of 3 products):

Step 1. Change status to Ready or In progress. It is necessary, because Completed status hides the [delete] button, which will be necessary in the next step.

Step 2. Go to Products assigned to order section of order edition page - remove returned product there. Click on [delete] button.

Step 3. Change order status to desired one after making all these changes.