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File in XML IOF format

The IOF format is based on XML and is treated as the basic output format for building other product feeds, inter alia, in the module of sharing the offer and product database backup. Therefore, if you do not have any restrictions on generating an XML file with the export of a product database, we recommend to prepare an XML file matching the structure or as close as possible to the IOF. Thanks to this, using our tool will be as smooth as possible and you will not encounter limitations in the interpretation of some kind of structure. For files compatible with the open IOF format and more specifically its full type (full), all nodes will be automatically mapped. The file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding in order for the import to run correctly.

File in a CSV format

In the CSV file being prepared, the field values ​​should be separated with a comma. The first line should be a header containing the names of the record fields described below as The name of the header in the file in CSV format. Place individual records in a new line. The file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding in order for the import to run correctly. If the imported offer is to contain multi-valued items, such as inventory states for many sizes, separate the values with a hard enters character.

Sample files:

1. plik Code on the product card
2. plik Descriptions and name of products
3. plik On stock / out of stock information
4. plik Grouping of products
5. plik Product with one and many sizes
6. plik Weight of the product
7. plik Changing the external system code and the manufacturer's code with the product ID
8. plik Retail price
9. plik Minimal price
10. plik Price for external websites
11. plik Assign a menu node
12. plik Descriptions and names for the auction
13. plik Product parameters
14. plik Product parameters - extended version with special context
15. plik Stocks - external and own warehouse
16. plik Removal of photos from products
17. plik Adding photos

Headers related to the BASIC tab

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Product type @type regular - product with one or more sizes, configurable - product with configurator, packaging - packaging, bundle - set, collection - collection, virtual - virtual product, service - service single value
VAT rate @vat - single value
PKWiU/CN /taxcode - | single value
Producer /producer@name - single value
Guarantee /warranty@name[lang] can be an existing or a completely new name. An example of a value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger single value
Series /series@name[lang] can be an existing or a completely new name single value
Category in panel /category@name[lang] can be an existing or a completely new name single value
Annotation /note - single value
Display code on product cards @code_on_card - single value
Manufacturer code standard @producer_code_standard GTIN14, GTIN13, ISBN13, GTIN12, ISBN10, GTIN8, UPCE, MPN, OTHER single value
Manufacturer code /sizes/size@code_producer - multivalued - hard enter
External system code /sizes/size@code_external - multivalued - hard enter
Require advance payment for orders of this product / Value of advance payment required from customer /advance@rate - single value
Sum to one item of a product on multiple additions to the basket /sum_in_basket@value yes - totaled goods, no - non totaled goods single value
Store serial numbers on the order form in the admin panel @save_serial_numbers na - not used, optional - optional, required - required single value

Headers for the PRICES tab

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Other prices for stores /prices_configuration_for_shops@value same_prices - same prices, competitive_prices - competitive prices
Available for stationary sales /enable_in_pos@enabled yes - active stationary sales, no - inactive stationary sales
Base retail gross price /price_retail_base@gross -
Base retail net price /price_retail_base@net -
Base gross wholesale price /price_wholesale_base@gross -
Base net wholesale price /price_wholesale_base@net -
Base gross minimum price /price_minimum_base@gross -
Base net minimum price /price_minimum_base@net -
Base suggested price gross /srp_base@gross -
Base suggested net price /srp_base@net -
Base retail price crossed out gross /crossedout_retail_price_base@gross -
Base retail price crossed out net /crossedout_retail_price_base@net -
Base wholesale price crossed out gross /crossedout_wholesale_price_base@gross -
Base wholesale price crossed out net /crossedout_wholesale_price_base@net -
Currency @currency - single value
Price calculation mode /prices_config/site@type wholesale_equals_retail - wholesale price like retail price, wholesale_notequals_retail - wholesale price different from retail price, retail_equals_suggested - retail price like suggested, retail_price_undefined - retail price on phone, all_prices_undefined - all prices on phone, default - setting the price from another store, in this case take into account additionally @iaiext attribute: prices_from_shop, whose value is the identifier of the store from which we want to indicate the price, automatically_calculated - automatic price calculation, in this case please consider additionally @iaiext:auto_price_settings attribute
Price calculation mode - site /prices_config/site@id store ID
Price for size - gross retail /sizes/size/price@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - retail net /sizes/size/price@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - suggested gross /sizes/size/srp@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - gross wholesale /sizes/size/price_wholesale@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - wholesale net /sizes/size/price_wholesale@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - minimum gross /sizes/size/price_minimal@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - minimum net /sizes/size/price_minimal@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - suggested net /sizes/size/srp@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - crossed out retail gross /sizes/size/crossedout_retail_price@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - crossed out retail net /sizes/size/crossedout_retail_price@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size - crossed out gross wholesale /sizes/size/crossedout_wholesale_price@gross - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for size-crossed wholesale net /sizes/size/crossedout_wholesale_price@net - single value, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, decimal separator is a dot
Price for rating external gross /pricecomparator_price/site@gross - multivalued, decimal separator is a dot
Price for external service net /pricecomparator_price/site@net - multivalued, decimal separator is a dot
External site price - store ID /pricecomparator_price/site@id 1, 2, 3, etc. multivalued
Price for external service - service identifier /pricecomparator_price/site@service_id 2 -, 3 -, 4 -, 5 -, 9 -, 12 -, 18 -, 20 -, 21 -, 22 -, 23 -, 29 -, 30 -, 34 - Kelkoo Belgia, 35 - Kelkoo Dania, 36 - Kelkoo Niemcy, 37 - Kelkoo Hiszpania, 38 - Kelkoo Francja, 39 - Kelkoo Włochy, 40 - Kelkoo Holandia, 41 - Kelkoo Norwegia, 42 - Kelkoo Szwecja, 43 - Kelkoo Wielka Brytania, 44 - Kelkoo Stany Zjednoczone, 45 - Kelkoo Kanada, 46 - Kelkoo Brazylia, 47 - Google Shopping Australia, 48 - Google Shopping Brazylia, 49 - Google Shopping Chiny, 50 - Google Shopping Czechy, 51 - Google Shopping Francja, 52 - Google Shopping Hiszpania, 53 - Google Shopping Holandia, 54 - Google Shopping Japonia, 55 - Google Shopping Niemcy, 56 - Google Shopping Szwajcaria, 57 - Google Shopping Wielka Brytania, 58 - Google Shopping Włochy, 59 - Google Shopping Stany Zjednoczone, 60 - Francja, 61 -, 62 -, 63 -, 64 -, 65 -, 66 -, 67 -, 68 -, 69 -, 70 -, 71 -, 72 -, 73 - Google Shopping Polska, 74 -, 75 -, 76 -, 77 - Idealo Polska, 78 - Idealo Wielka Brytania, 79 - Idealo Niemcy, 80 - ShopZilla Stany Zjednoczone, 81 - ShopZilla Wielka Brytania, 82 - ShopZilla Francja, 83 - ShopZilla Niemcy, 84 - ShopMania Argentyna, 85 - Shopmania Austria, 86 - ShopMania Bułgaria, 87 - Shopmania Brazylia, 88 - Shopmania Chile, 89 - Shopmania Czechy, 90 - Shopmania Niemcy, 91 - Shopmania Hiszpania, 92 - Shopmania Francja, 93 - Shopmania Irlandia, 94 - Shopmania Indie, 95 - Shopmania Włochy, 96 - Shopmania Japonia, 97 - Shopmania Meksyk, 98 - Shopmania Holandia, 99 - Shopmania Polska, 100 - Shopmania Portugaila, 101 - Shopmania Rumunia, 102 - Shopmania Serbia, 103 - Shopmania Rosja, 104 - Shopmania Szwecja, 105 - Shopmania Turcja, 106 - Shopmania Wielka Brytania, 107 - Shopmania Stany Zjednoczone, 108 - ShopMania Republika Południowej Afryki, 109 - ShopMania Słowacja, 110 - ShopMania Węgry, 111 - Google Shopping Austria, 112 - Google Shopping Belgia, 113 - Google Shopping Kanada, 114 - Google Shopping Dania, 115 - Google Shopping Indie, 116 - Google Shopping Meksyk, 117 - Google Shopping Norwegia, 118 - Google Shopping Rosja, 119 - Google Shopping Szwecja, 120 - Google Shopping Turcja, 250 -, 251 -, 252 - Google Shopping Argentyna, 253 - Google Shopping Kolumbia, 254 - Google Shopping Chile, 255 - Google Shopping Indonezja, 256 - Google Shopping Irlandia, 257 - Google Shopping Hong Kong, 258 - Google Shopping Malezja, 259 - Google Shopping Nowa Zelandia, 260 - Google Shopping Filipiny, 261 - Google Shopping Portugalia, 262 - Google Shopping Singapur, 263 - Google Shopping Tajwan, 264 - Google Shopping Republika Południowej Afryki, 265 - Google Shopping Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, 266 -, 273 - i, 274 -, 281 - Shumee, 293 - Google Shopping Izrael, 294 - Google Shopping Arabia Saudyjska, 295 - Google Shopping Ukraina, 296 - Google Shopping Korea Południowa, 297 - Google Shopping Wietnam, 298 - Kelkoo Austria, 299 - Kelkoo Czechy, 300 - Kelkoo Finlandia, 301 - Kelkoo Irlandia, 302 - Kelkoo Luksembourg, 303 - Kelkoo Polska, 304 - Kelkoo Portugalia, 305 - Kelkoo Rosja, 306 - Kelkoo Szwajcaria, 307 - Kelkoo Meksyk, 315 - Idealo Austria, 316 - Idealo Hiszpania, 317 - Idealo Francja, 318 - Idealo Włochy, 276 - Carrefour Marketplace, 277 - Marketplace, 278 - Empik Marketplace, 280 -, 282 - Ceneo Kup Teraz, 308 - Marketplace, 310 - Marketplace, 312 - Marketplace, 313 - Marketplace, 314 - Marketplace, 26 - Webepartners, 123 - FacebookAds, 124 - FacebookCatalog, 267 - SALESmanago, 268 - Fulfilment, 271 - IAI Ads multivalued
Price for auction site gross /auction_price/site@gross - multivalued, decimal separator is a dot
Price for auction site net /auction_price/site@net - multivalued, decimal separator is a dot
Price for auction service - price type /auction_price/site@price_type start - start price, buy_now - buy now price, minimal - minimum price multivalued
Auction service price - service group identifier /auction_price/site@service_group_id 2 - Ebay group, 3 - Allegro group, 6 - Shopee group multivalued
Price for auction service - service id /auction_price/site@service_id -1 - eBay sandbox, 0 - eBay. com, 1 -, 2 -, 3 -, 15 -, 16 -, 34 -, 56 -, 71 -, 77 -, 101 -, 168 -, 186 - eBay. es, 205 -, 209 -, 212 -, 228 -, 302 - multivalued
Price for auction service - id of the store /auction_price/site@id 1, 2, 3 etc. multivalued
Auction site price - size identifier /auction_price/site@size_id - multivalued

Warehouse tab headers

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Size table - - single value
Size group - identifier /sizes@group_id -1 to specify a universal size group or another identifier - to specify its own group single value
Size group - name /sizes@group_name Universal size group - specifying the default universal size group name or any name - specifying a group name single value
Unit of measure identifier /unit@id 0 - for pcs., 1 - for a pair, 2 - for a set, 3 - for a package, 4 - for a bottle, 5 - for a kilogram, 6 - for a square meter, 8 - for meter, 9 - for gram, 10 - for liter, 256 - for service (unit can be set only for goods of service type) single value
Unit of measure - name /unit@name pcs. - for id="0", pair - for id="1", set - for id="2", package - for id="3", bottle - for id="4", kilogram - for id="5", square meter - for id="6", meter - for id="8", gram - for id="9", liter - for id="10", service - for id="256" (the unit can be set only for a product of the service type) single value
Sold by retail /sell_by/retail@quantity - single value
Sold by wholesale /sell_by/wholesale@quantity - single value
Sold in bulk /inwrapper@quantity - single value
Weight for gross size /sizes/size@weight - multivalued, the separator is a hard enter
Weight for net size /sizes/size@weight_net - multivalued, separator is hard enter
Determination of stock availability /availability_management@value stock - based on stock, manual - manual settings single value
Inventory stock - stock ID /sizes/size/stock@stock_id 0 - for foreign stock, 1 - for own stock - here an example of M1 stock multivalued, separator is a hard-coded enter, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, the identifier can't be -1 (MM) and -2 (MP) as the stock settings for these warehouses are not possible
Inventory - available quantity /sizes/size/stock@quantity - multivalued, separator is a hard-coded enter, required with /sizes/size@id or /sizes/size@name, enter a number and when setting /availability_management@value to manual enter 0 (none), -1 (present)
Provider-id /deliverer@name - single value
Provider - name /deliverer@name - single value''

Headers related to the tab VISUALS AND EXTERNAL SERVICES

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Product hiding from clients /visibility/site@visible y - hidden from clients, n - visible to clients single value
Visibility on page - store ID /availability/site@id 1, 2, 3 etc. multivalued, hard enter separator
Visibility on site - value /availability/site@value yes - assigned to the selected store, no - not assigned to the selected store single value
Menu - store ID /navigation/site@id - -
Menu - menu tree identifier /navigation/site/menu@id - -
Menu - identifier of the menu node in the menu tree /navigation/site/menu/item@textid - -
Commodity priority /priority@level - single value
IdoSell category /category_idosell@path - single value

Auction tab headers

Field name in new product tab Header name in CSV format file Possible values Field type / Description
The identifier of the auction service group from which the service for which name and description are to be set /auction_descriptions/site@service_group_id 2 - Allegro Group, 3 - eBay Group multivalued, hard enter separator
The identifier of the auction service for which the name and description should be set /auction_descriptions/site@service_id 0 -, 1 - multivalued, hard enter separator
Product names on displayed auctions /auction_descriptions/site@auction_title - multivalued, 'hard enter separator
Alternative name on displayed auctions /auction_descriptions/site@auction_subtitle - multivalued, hard enter separator
Product description on displayed auctions /auction_descriptions/site@auction_description - multivalued, hard enter separator

Headers for the CHARACTERS tab

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Product name /description/name[lang] - single value, example value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger etc.
Product description short /description/short_desc[lang] - single value, a sample value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Product description long /description/long_desc[lang] - single value, example value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger etc.
Meta - title /description/meta_title[lang] - single value, a sample value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Meta - description /description/meta_description[lang] - single value, a sample value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Meta keywords /description/meta_keywords[lang] - single value, a sample value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Product name for external services /description/pricecomparator_name[lang] - single value, example value that should be placed in the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Parameters - parameter identifier /parameters/parameter@id - multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - parameter or section name /parameters/parameter@name[lang] - multivalued, hard enter separator, example value that should be placed in place of the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Parameters - order of display in parameter list /parameters/parameter@priority - multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - type /parameters/parameter@type section - for section, parameter - for parameter multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - additional settings - highlighted /parameters/parameter@distinction y - yes, n - no multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - additional settings - highlighted in group /parameters/parameter@group_distinction y - yes, n - no multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - additional settings - hidden on commodity card /parameters/parameter@projector_hide y - yes, n - no multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - additional settings - hidden in auction template /parameters/parameter@auction_template_hide y - yes, n - no multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - parent parameter identifier /parameters/parameter/value@parameter_id - multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - parameter value identifier /parameters/parameter/value@value_id - multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - parameter value name /parameters/parameter/value@name[lang] - multivalued, hard enter separator, example value that should be placed in place of the lang variable: pol, eng, ger, etc.
Parameters - the order in which the values of a parameter are displayed in the list /parameters/parameter/value@priority - multivalued, hard enter separator
Parameters - special context identifier /parameters/parameter/value@context_id - multivalued, hard enter separator, the accepted values are listed in of API Admin documentation
Parameters - parameter value with special context /parameters/parameter/value@context_id - multivalued, hard enter separator

Titles for the PICTURES and ATTACHMENTS tab

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Product icon /images/icons/icon@url - single value
Product icon in group /images/icons/group_icon@url - single value
The icon of an auction product /images/icons/auction_icon@url - single value
Product images /images/large/image@url - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - photo type - URL /attachments/image/picture@url - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - image type - name /attachments/image/picture@name - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - picture type - language for the name /attachments/image/picture@lang - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - image type - visibility /attachments/image/picture@enable all - for all, only_logged - only for logged in, ordered - for buyers, wholesaler - for wholesalers, wholesaler_or_orderer - for wholesalers or buyers, wholesaler_and_ordered - for wholesalers and buyers multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - picture type - attachment file extension /attachments/image/picture@attachment_file_extension - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - image type - download tracking /attachments/image/picture@download_log yes - tracking active, no - tracking inactive multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - music type - URL /attachments/audio/sound@url - multivalued hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - of type music - name /attachments/audio/sound@name - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - music type - language for name /attachments/audio/sound@lang - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - music-visibility type /attachments/audio/sound@enable all - for all, only_logged - only for logged in, ordered - for buyers, wholesaler - for wholesalers, wholesaler_or_orderer - for wholesalers or buyers, wholesaler_and_ordered - for wholesalers and buyers multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - video type - attachment file extension /attachments/video/movie@attachment_file_extension - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - video type - download tracking /attachments/video/movie@download_log yes - tracking enabled, no - tracking disabled multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - document type - URL /attachments/document/doc@url - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - document type - name /attachments/document/doc@name - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - document type - language for name /attachments/document/doc@lang - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - document type - visibility /attachments/document/doc@enable all - for all, only_logged - only for logged in, ordered - for buyers, wholesaler - for wholesalers, wholesaler_or_orderer - for wholesalers or buyers, wholesaler_and_ordered - for wholesalers and buyers multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - document type - attachment file extension /attachments/document/doc@attachment_file_extension - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - docuemnt type - download tracking /attachments/document/doc@download_log yes - tracking active, no - tracking inactive multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - type other - URL /attachments/other/file@url - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - of type other - name /attachments/other/file@name - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - type other - language for name /attachments/other/file@lang - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - type other - visibility /attachments/other/file@enable all - for all, only_logged - only for logged in, ordered - for buyers, wholesaler - for wholesalers, wholesaler_or_orderer - for wholesalers or buyers, wholesaler_and_ordered - for wholesalers and buyers multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - type other - attachment file extension /attachments/other/file@attachment_file_extension - multivalued, hard enter separator
Non-virtual attachments - type other - download tracking /attachments/other/file@download_log yes - tracking active, no - tracking inactive multivalued, hard enter separator

Groups tab headers

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Product group name /group/group_by_parameter@name - multi-particle, separator character |, required with /parameters/parameter@textid
Product name in group /group/group_by_parameter/product_value@name - multi-particle, separator character |, required from /parameters/parameter@textid
Main product identifier /group@id - single value
JavaScript displayed on the product tab /group/common_group_settings/common_additional_script@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Value of the advance payment required from the customer /group/common_group_settings/common_advance@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Recommended with this product /group/common_group_settings/common_associated_products@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Attachments to product /group/common_group_settings/common_attachments@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Icon for auction /group/common_group_settings/common_auction_icon@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Product name for marketplaces /group/common_group_settings/common_auction_name@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Availability profile /group/common_group_settings/common_availability_profile@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Category in the panel /group/common_group_settings/common_category@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
IAI code /group/common_group_settings/common_code@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Complex rating (discontinued) /group/common_group_settings/common_complex_rating@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Currency /group/common_group_settings/common_currency@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Supplier /group/common_group_settings/common_deliverer@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Product icon /group/common_group_settings/common_icon@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Large photo /group/common_group_settings/common_large_image@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Long description /group/common_group_settings/common_long_desc@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Loyalty points /group/common_group_settings/common_loyalty_program@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Meta settings /group/common_group_settings/common_meta_tags@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Products name /group/common_group_settings/common_name@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Menu elements /group/common_group_settings/common_navigation@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Annotation /group/common_group_settings/common_note@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Parameters /group/common_group_settings/common_parameters@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Formula for calculating price /group/common_group_settings/common_price_formula@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Prices /group/common_group_settings/common_prices@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Priority /group/common_group_settings/common_priority@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Brand /group/common_group_settings/common_producer@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Promotions /group/common_group_settings/common_promotion@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Quantity discount /group/common_group_settings/common_rebate@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Serial numbers /group/common_group_settings/common_serial_numbers@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Series /group/common_group_settings/common_series@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Shops /group/common_group_settings/common_shops@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Short description /group/common_group_settings/common_short_desc@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Size chart /group/common_group_settings/common_size_chart@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Size group and (without common inventory) /group/common_group_settings/common_sizes_group@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Summing items in your cart /group/common_group_settings/common_sum_in_basket@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
VAT rate /group/common_group_settings/common_vat@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Visibility /group/common_group_settings/common_visibility@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Warranty /group/common_group_settings/common_warranty@value ID of one of the grouped products single value
Weight /group/common_group_settings/common_weight@value ID of one of the grouped products single value

Headings for the MARKETING tab

Field name on new product tab Header name in CSV format Possible values Field type / Description
Discount profile @rebate - single value
Recommended with this product - ID of the goods /associated_products/product@id - single value
Recommended with this product - external commodity system code /associated_products/product@code_external - single value
Loyalty program - Operations /loyalty_program/site@operation - -
Loyalty program - customer type /loyalty_program/site@clients - -
Loyalty program - points /loyalty_program/site@points - -
Loyalty program - store number /product/loyalty_program/site - -

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