Offer sharing - FAQ

Does the somehow make offer sharing easier?

Yes, the provides you with Offer sharing, which is specialized function, that allows to activate stock quantities export for your business partners, who would like to sell your products. This mechanism is available in the administration panel - in MARKETING / Offer sharing.

Assortment can be exported to IOF format (or CSV) in two forms:

  • offer with products descriptions and pictures, but without information on stock quantities (full.xml file),
  • offer with only products stock quantities and their availability in store (light.xml file).

General information on offer, full.xml file, is generated periodically. You can also generate (update) it manually, by clicking on [generate full.xml file]. Detailed information on products is stored in light.xml file and can be prepared for individual recipient registered as a store customer. File is generated on demand.

This module requires activation via configuration switch after selecting settings edition for indicated store.

We invite to use this module, that can be a great tool for you and your store to integrate more tightly with your partners. Detailed information about configuration and handling can be found in module settings edition after clicking on pencil icon.

Which configuration options are required for offer sharing?

All products option allows to select products types taken under consideration during offer export. This includes products from following zones: distinguished/recommended, new and bestsellers. If you want to include all products, select yes option. Otherwise (no setting), you will be asked to select groups of products on your own.

The last option, necessary for proper offer export, is to enter login of customer, for which the offer should be generated. Login can be found by clicking on magnifying glass icon in customer search tool and by selecting it from the list. When the operation is performed successfully, you will be returned to offer sharing module to accept settings. Entering login is required to generate offer file correctly. Please also remember about the fact, that the customer need to be registered in your store. User login also ensures, that all products descriptions will be available in indicated customer language of choice/communication.

It is also recommended to set description file configuration as the last thing - it means, that it should be done after generating all other files with information on stock quantities. It guarantees, that last changes made will be included in offer files.

Periodical generation of files with descriptions is dictated by means of safety and necessity of reserving server computing power. These are often very large files, generation of which would surely affect your servers work.

Notice: For the product be visible in offer for purposes of integration, it should have wholesale price greater than 0 and stock quantity set for owned stocks.

How to configure offer export with stock quantities included??

Save to file option allows to set format of generated offer. If you are not sure which to choose, we recommend using the XML setting - it is very popular format and it can be viewed in Internet browser directly.

Enter in file option allows to choose what kind of information on availability should be included in offer. Setting to Stock quantity causes a situation in which products will be included in offer. External stocks will not be taken under consideration. Setting Verbal information on availability allows to inform your business partners about product availability over - for example - the phone or by e-mail.

For what purpose can I use the "Manual full.xml file generation" option?

Thanks to this option you can manually generate full.xml file, which contains full information on products to export.

Click on [generate file with offer in 2.2 IOF format] to generate new file. It will be generated and you will be informed about this fact - the file will be ready to provide it to your partners. Information will also contain data of another, new full.xml file.

If the full.xml file has been generated correctly, you can choose a customer, data format and generate offer to share.

You do not have to generate the full.xml file every time. This option is used only to refresh information in full.xml file, which is always present in the database.

Information: Full.xml file can be generated for every active store in panel separately.