Multi-variation listings on Allegro and eBay – automatic listings creation and management in your IdoSell shop

Multi-variation listings enable creating listings with more than one version of a given product. Thanks to our integration with marketplaces, you can create listings with multiple sizes both for Allegro and for eBay automatically.

Multi-variation listings give you the ability to create one listing with different variations, instead of separate listings for each variation. IdoSell marketplace integration module allows you to use this mechanism to create listings with multiple sizes of the same product within a single listing automatically and collect orders from such listings. Thus, we fully support listings with multiple sizes for Allegro and eBay in the IdoSell administration panel.

Benefits of multi-variation listings on eBay and Allegro

Multi-variation listings mean a whole range of benefits, like cost reduction or making your listings more visible and trustworthy.

  • Cost reduction – you create a single listing with all products and thus, you do not have to pay for listing every size separately.
  • Quicker order processing - it is much easier to manage sales of all sizes on one listing than managing as many listings as product sizes.
  • Increasing visibility of the offer – in eBay multi-variation listings do not only save your time and money, but also directly increase your conversion rates thanks to higher positions in listing search engines.
  • Product presentation - the customer immediately sees all available sizes, without the need to browse through other listings.

Automatic creation of multi-variation listings is possible thanks to our integration with marketplaces

Multi-variation listings in IdoSell are supported both for Allegro and for eBay. Listing products and collecting orders is automatic – you just have to prepare a product and create an appropriate listing settings profile.

To start creating multi-variation listings on Allegro and eBay, refer to: How to create a multi-variation listing?