Case study of IAI RS implementation

Case study of implementing IAI RS in the Polish online shop perfectly presents the way we start off IAI RS and what are the benefits of using the system; your customers' satisfaction and sales volume. is on the Polish market since 2010 and is one of the biggest online shops with women's shoes. We have been conducting a test of implementing IAI RS for three weeks and we have compared it with previous recommendations. In order to verify effectiveness of IAI RS in CzasNaButy we have also conducted A/B tests.

It was necessary to collect data regarding activity of CzasNaButy's customers in order to obtain proper matching of the recommendation system. IAI RS collected information about behaviour of customers towards available in the shop products. The system registered the following activities:

  • visiting a product's page
  • rating a product
  • providing a comment about a product
  • recommending a product to a friend (e-mail, social networks)
  • adding a product to a basket
  • adding a product to a wishlist
  • buying a product

Basing on the data, IAI RS recommendations have been generated. They were adapted to a user's activity history and to a currently viewed product. The recommendations have been displayed on a product's card in the intended for this purpose field. Currently the system allows also to display personalised recommendations on the products' list. Soon we are going to enable functionalities allowing to send newsletters with individual recommendations and a subpage “We recommend you” presenting a list of personalized recommendations to regular customers.


In order to verify effectiveness of IAI RS in CzasNaButy we have also conducted A/B tests. Not only was the aim of the test to verify if recommendations cause increase of the shop's income but also to verify if they do it more effectively than the previously implemented methods.

Each customer visiting the shop within 3 weeks of conducting a test was assigned to one of two test groups: A or B (description below). From that moment on, the customer was permanently assigned to the group.

  • A – recommendations generated in a previously used, standard for IdoSell, way and displayed in a dedicated for it area
  • B – recommendations generated by IAI RS displayed in a dedicated for it area


After not even a month the following results have been received:

  • 238% increase of clicks on the recommended products – customers clicked on IAI RS recommendations almost 2,5 times more often
  • 1,77% sales boost thanks to IAI RS recommendations – standard recommendations influenced increase of sales only by 0,165%
  • 400% increase of conversion rate from recommendations – customers' clicks on the website resulted in 4 times more frequent purchases
  • 1060% income increase – products purchased owe to IAI RS recommendations generated over ten times bigger income than products purchased as a result of previously used recommendations

Comment of CzasNaButy

''We are satisfied with our decision of implementing IAI RS engine in our shop. We do care about our customers and we want our shop to be as friendly as possible to them. IAI RS matches our wide offer with individual customers' needs therefore it is a perfect solution for us. We also see the results of using IAI RS in our income. Extremely important is also the fact that we have achieved it with no additional effort! Additionally, we highly appreciate great contact with the IdoSell support. IAI RS is worth investing. Another advantage of the system is a fact that IAI RS is a part of the complex IdoSell service. It is therefore possible to effectively conduct the online shop in one place without any additional agreements or integrations.” - Marek Wawrzyczek, the owner of CzasnaButy.