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Administration panel now includes a completely new tool for importing listings together with products and mapping listings to already existing products.

Thanks to the new tools you can import all Allegro or eBay listings and enable their automatic handling in the IdoSell administration panel. Listing import can be performed together with products, you can also add listing handling only and assign it to products in the panel. In other words, you can map listings to products. Import can be performed on any number of listings at the same time, and its handling is as simple and as automatic as possible.

Previously, while adding a listing not supported in the panel, a product with infinite stock levels was created on an external warehouse. If new quantities on one of own warehouses were once set, and zeroed on the external warehouse, an automatic mechanism would close an ongoing listing and open a new one, listing the given product in a quantity available in the own stock. In case of long-term listings, including the ones valid while stock lasts – the consequence of such action could be losing positive comments posted by customers.

That is why we have added a completely new tool for importing listings together with products. Thanks to a simplified and more automatic processes it enables adding support of any number of listings created outside IdoSell Shop to the panel easier. Listings import can be performed within one of two modes:

  • listings and products import – on the basis of ongoing listings, new products will be added to the panel together with listing handling. Products will be added to one of own warehouses in quantities with which they were listed. Import can be found in SALES / Online auctions / Importing auctions with products. After listing import, when a customer places an order, the listing will be transferred to the panel – then it can be further processed, just like any order created in the panel.

How to import listings with products

  • mapping listings – only listing handling will be imported to the panel and will be assigned to an already existing product in the panel e.g. added through IAI-Downloader. Mapping can be found in SALES / Online auctions / Mapping auctions to products. Thanks to that you can handle orders from marketplaces without the need to create new listings.

How to map listings to products in the panel