Measurement Price Calculation

Measurement price calculation helps a customer to compare prices of the same products in different packaging.

Your customers convenience

Measurement price calculation is especially useful in food sector but not only. Other examples may be motor oils where some producers sell particular oils in 4-litre packagings and others sell the same oils in 5- or 6-litre packagings. Thanks to the calculation of the price per litre, a customer can compare the real price of such products easily.

Calculation is also very practical and convenient for a customer if you sell separately products which are used to sell in packagings. For example, various types of coffees. In such cases, a customer can buy smaller amount of coffee, like 200g at the same being able to compare its price with typical half-kilogram packages of other producers available on the market.

Complying with the law

Measurement Price Calculation and displaying prices per litre, per kilogram, etc is already required in some countries, i.e. Germany. If you consider selling internationally you should definitely apply measurement price calculation in your shop. This is a standard functionality even in our free STANDARD layouts. Complying with these regulations saves you from competition attacks and helps to receive German certifications, i.e. Trusted Shops.

This is how measurement price calculation looks in a shop:

The gallery presents standard display of the measurement price calculation. If you decide on an individual layout you can send us your requirements regarding the way the measurement price calculation should be presented in your shop.

How to order?

Function of the measurement price calculation and displaying prices in a shop is by default implemented in evert STANDARD layout. If you order a new layout you will receive this function in a standard form. If you wish to add the functionality to already working layout just contact our Graphic Department.

How to configure?

Prices are calculated for standard units which are based on product parameters. Read more about parameters and their configuration.