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Suggested Retail Price (SRP) - you can now order changes to your masks

Suggested Retail Price has been already installed and you can start to order modifications to shop masks. Launched a few days ago initial installation of Suggested Retail Price has been successfully accomplished and SRP can be now turned on on the product card (radio button that turns SRP on or off). In addition, SRP is supported by the IAI Downloader - we had informed about this fact in [/pr-press-release.phtml?id=1235323874 one of the earlier news].

Today a mechanism of transferring information from panel to mask has been also equipped with support for the SRP. Modifications to masks can be now ordered to display the SRP in shops.

You can now display percentage and amount savings on the product card and it can be calculated on basis of:

  • crossed-out price,
  • suggested retail price,
  • greater value from the two listed above (SRP and crossed-out price) and this value will be displayed in the STANDARD masks component.