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A package of changes implemented to couriers and stocks

We published a package of changes that tidy up the information printed on shipping and stock documentation. It includes:

  1. "Sender details" was added to courier configuration, that allows to choose, which data should be displayed on shipping label in the "sender" field. You can choose from: "Contact details, "Default details for sales documents" (both options can be set in ADMINISTRATION \ Company data) and "Stock details, from which the shipment is being made".
  2. "Contact details as in Company data" function wad added in stock edition with "yes" and "no" option. Stock details will not remain empty - you can use the default contact details or the on-line store contact details.

These changes allow to choose, whether only one address should be used when sending from different places (stocks) or you want to use multiple addresses. In addition, you can determine, which address is the correct one.

In addition we improved the delivery profiles interface. The main changes is the possibility of changing one courier company to other, without the necessity of entering new costs and weight ranges. From now on you can change the costs of indicated courier services in delivery profile. Or change the courier company itself. This change may be necessary during e.g. Christmas season.