Answers to frequently asked questions about Google Shopping

Below you can find the answers to frequently asked questions about Google Shopping.

What is the difference between GTIN and MNP code?

The GTIN is an acronym for Global Trade Item Numbers. These are the codes covering UPC, EAN, JAN and ISBN numbers.

MPN stands for Manufacturer Part Number.

Most categories of Google Shopping require one or the other type of code. The exceptions are the categories related to multimedia and software, where enering GTIN is required.

What can I do if I do not know GTIN/MPN numbers of my products?

You can check GTIN/MPN numbers in the Google Shopping catalogue, if there are other shops selling the same products. You can also check whether the codes are available on public cataloging sites, UPC, EAN or ISBN numbers.

Is there a size limit for individual product data?

Most of the items covered by the character limit are now handled at the IdoSell system level (eg. the length of links to products, images or the mobile version). Other elements must be within the following length limits:

  • Product name - 150 characters
  • Description - 5 000 characters
  • Producer - 70 characters
  • Size - 100 characters

I sell clothing and Google requires providing age group and sex of customers in the product details. How can I define it?

Sex and age group of customers are the required parameters in case of sale of clothing and accessories. To add them to your offer, use additional features for product parameters.

What elements are prohibited in the product description passed to Google Shopping?

In the description passed to Google Shopping you should avoid elements such as:

  • Promotional texts (eg.Free shipping)
  • Links to a website
  • Texts promoting your company/brand
  • Texts written in CAPITAL LETTERS, with exclamation points, etc., having a negative impact on the aesthetics of your description
  • Sales rules (billing methods, payment processing, etc.)
  • Comparisons to competing products (better/faster/greater than...)
  • References to other products from your own offer

How can I set tax and delivery costs for my products?

Delivery costs can be set in Google Merchant Center in Settings> Tax and Settings> Shipping.

You define shipping rates separately for each country. You can use three types of settings:

  • Simple - the same amount for all shipments to a given country.
  • Rate table - according to one or two criteria (weight or quota limits).
  • Rules - rates according to various criteria (weight and quota limits, with division to labels)

How can I send information about prices for products available in different sizes?

If a product has "Product price for price comparison services and catalogues (for each size)" set in Price in Google Shopping line for a given country, this price will be visible in all sizes in an export file.

If a product has different prices for different sizes, the export file will include:

  • for listed sizes - price set for these sizes,
  • for other sizes - Base price.