How to configure menu and descriptive subpages in store mask?

Menu and descriptive subpages in mask function can be used to create navigation tree visible on on-line store page.

This function is completely separated from Product categories and subcategories, which can be found in PRODUCTS module.

Items in navigation tree - in MODERATION / Menu and descriptive subpages in mask / (selected menu) - are called "nodes", not categories.

Products categories and subcategories are used only to categorize products, that will be later assigned do navigation nodes.

New navigation provides many innovative solutions that allow to i.e. assign one product to multiple nodes at the same time. Nodes can be set as solid link, CMS subpage or other types of pages can be assigned to a node. It guarantees a very high flexibility in store operation and configuration.

How can I change node name?

To change the node name, click on selected node and select edit settings option.

Enter new name into Name field and click on Save button.

What are Menu 1, Menu 2, Menu 3, Menu 4 and Menu 5?

You can find multiple types of menus in MODERATION / Menu and descriptive subpages in mask section. These are: Menu 1, Menu 2, Menu 3, Menu and Menu 5. Here is a brief description of their application:

  • Menu 1 - main menu in your store. STANDARD mask uses an ASSORTMENT name for it.
    • Menu 2 - nonstandard menu, used in individually-created masks.
    • Menu 3 - top menu.
    • Menu 4 - bottom menu.
    • Menu 5 - side menu.

Remember, that these menus do not have to be present in every mask. This layout corresponds to UNIVERSAL STANDARD mask and does not have to be the same in every standard or individual mask - some of these nodes can be lacking.

How to assign products to nodes?

There are two methods of assigning products to navigation nodes: on product card and by group edition.

Menu field in the Product parameters section is responsible for these assignments on product card.

Just click on assign option next to a menu, that you want to assign selected product to. Select one or more nodes, if you want to assign selected product to more than one.

If you want to assign more than one product to node or nodes, use the group edition tool, which is available in search tool from PRODUCTS module.

How to create the bottom menu?

If you want to create the bottom menu, go to MODERATION / Creating subpages and their content management (CMS editor) and create CMS subpage. After creating and saving it, go to its edition. There you will find a Link to page section. Copy this URL and go to MODERATION / Menu and descriptive subpages in mask / Menu 4.

Two nodes should be created in this menu - the first one will be header and the one assigned to the main one will be next item in the menu.

After creation of navigation tree, edit the desired node, by clicking on it and choosing the edit settings button. Another step is to select This element in menu is setting it to static element (without link), and another node - as a link to specific URL. Another window will then pop-up - paste URL to earlier-created CMS subpage.

After saving changes, publish them in your store by clicking Publish changes in shop - only then changes will be visible.

How to create navigation tree?

Go to MODERATION / Menu and descriptive subpages in mask and choose menu you want to create.

If selected menu is empty, click on Add an element to the top or Add an element at the bottom.

Enter node name in the pop-up window and click on Add button.

To create another node above or below the earlier-created one, click on one of two options mentioned above.

To create the sub-node, click on the selected node and click on add descendant option.

How to turn off the node visibility in shop?

Navigation is intelligent tool - a possibility of automatic hiding of menu item in shop exists. Node will become invisible, if there are no products assigned to it.

There are two options:

  • hiding products assigned to indicated node,
  • removing products assigned to indicated node.

Quick way to hide or remove products is to use the group edition tool.

Go to MODERATION / Menu and descriptive subpages in mask / Menu 1 section and go to desired node, that you want to make invisible in store and check settings - unassign products or delete node. Now node should be invisible in shop.

How to change node type?

To change node type, click on selected node and then click on edit settings option. Then select desired type in This element in menu is field.

How can I change order, in which nodes in the navigation tree are displayed?

To change order of navigation nodes display, click on selected node and then - on transfer element option. After this, just utilize the Drag&Drop method to move the node up/down, changing its location in tree.