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We are implementing information about the mechanism of split payment into sales documents

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance, we are introducing the split payment designation into standard invoice templates. For those of you who use own templates a new variable will be available which will display the required information, default templates will be updated automatically. In both cases the document classification will be done automatically based on the PKWiU/CN field available on the product edit page in the administration panel.
If the conditions are met, the following entry "Invoice requires the use of split payment mechanism" shall appear on the invoice:

  • PKWiU/CN codes on the product edit page are filled,
  • the order is settled in PLN,
  • total amount on the invoice (i.e. gross value of the entire invoice) exceeds 15 thousand PLN,
  • at least one item on the invoice is listed as sensitive goods or services (as defined in Annex 15 to the VAT Act),
  • the seller and the buyer are VAT payers.

Orders in foreign currency must be marked independently before the invoice is issued. Additionally, the variable responsible for "Product discount percentage" and PKWiU no longer share the configuration and both are from now on available independently.

// the block responsible for displaying MPP information

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