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Free BLIK refunds now available in IdoPay

We have provided free refunds of BLIK payments in IdoPay (formerly IAI Pay) performed directly from the administration panel. This functionality was awaited by many customers - both already using IdoPay and considering switching to the payment system built into IdoSell.

IdoPay now allows you to return funds from payments made with BLIK (so called cash back ), both from the level of the order and from the level of returns, directly to the bank account with one click. To return funds from a BLIK transaction by IdoPay, all you need to do is go to the order, return or complaint editing tab and click on the ASC link next to the payment you want to return. You can also make partial returns. The amount of the refund will be transferred from your balance of payments directly to the customer's bank account, it will be visible in the bank as a refund of the BLIK transaction.

If you do not use the IdoPay payment system yet, you can turn it on at any time with one click, without signing additional contracts and going through additional verifications. In addition to BLIK payment refunds, the system also offers refunds of card payments, and in the coming months, all payment methods will allow refunds directly from the IdoSell panel.

Check out all the advantages of the IdoPay payment system

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