PCI DSS - safe credit and debit card data processing

Safety is our number one priority. We offer an ever-developing solution, which maintains the highest safety level. What does PCI DSS stand for and how does it protect payment card users?

What does PCI DSS stand for?

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) stands for a safety norm used in environments processing payment card owners data. The standard was introduced to have a meticulous control over data processing and to protect users from any infringements.

Are IdoSell shops PCI DSS compliant?

Yes – all IdoSells are PCI DSS compliant. We care about our customers by delivering solutions which enable conducting safe sales.

What are the PCI DSS advantages?

PCI DSS equals safe and legal credit, and debit card payments.

More about IdoSell safety: Safety and server infrasturcture.