Mass update of product database

Update of product database through XML and CSV files

If you would like to perform a mass product update through XML or CSV files, you can use IAI Downloader. You have to simply add a file or a number of files as an update in IAI Downloader program. Then, through a mapping mechanism, indicate which columns or XML tags correspond with product data. The program interprets files and sends gathered information to IdoSell.

Products have to be updated by the following:

  • product ID in IdoSell
  • external system's code for a product/size in IdoSell
  • producer's code for a product/size in IdoSell

Learn more about a special mechanism mapping data about products from XML and CSV files.

Update through ready XML and CSV files exported from a product list in the IdoSell administration panel

Being an IdoSell client, you have an access to a ready mechanism of exporting products from the IdoSell administration panel to XML and CSV files. The mechanism generates files (according to IOF Extensions), adapted to work with IAI Downloader.

If you would like to perform a quick and safe update of your products:

  • search products in a product search in the IdoSell administration panel
  • mark products which interest you on the list of results
  • click Export visible at the bottom of the page, choose file format and save the file
  • now you can edit the file by introducing proper changes - remember, do not introduce any changes in tag names (in XML files) or column names (in CSV files)
  • add a downloaded file to IAI Downloader as an update with product ID

IAI Downloader will automatically recognise a file and map columns. Your task is to approve the update and launch it. After a finished synchronisation, you can check products being updated. Then you can introduce further changes in the same file and launch the synchronisation - IAI Downloader will detect changes in files and perform proper updates of product data.

To see which product data are included in XML and CSV files exported from the IdoSell administration panel, check IOF Extensions specification.

Changes in updated products are visible immediately!

IAI Downloader program is entirely based on IdoSell API. That is why, pieces of information are not transported to any buffer but they are safely introduced into the product database in the IdoSell administration panel. Any changes that occured due to updates are visible in your shop right away!

Examples of product update usage through IAI Downloader

  • Your supplier delivers you an XML or CSV file including product prices for a new season. You add a file from a supplier to IAI Downloader, map producer's code (you can also use product ID or an external service code) as a data type identifying products from a producer with products which you already have in your shop. Finally, you map a price and launch the synchronisation.
    • You supplier delivers you XML or CSV file including product's stock levels. You add a file from a supplier to IAI Downloader, map producer's code (you can also use product ID or an external service code) as a data type identifying products from a producer with products which you already have in your shop. Finally, you map stock levels (mapping warehouse numbers is possible) and launch the synchronisation.
    • You have decided to conduct sales on the German market and you would like to add product names and descriptions in a German language. In such situation you export XML or CSV file from a product list in the IdoSell administration panel and send the file to a translation company. Then you add the translated file to IAI Downloader and map colums with descriptions. The program will ask you in which language the content should be introduced and you can launch the synchronisation.

There are many ways in which product updates through IAI Downloader can be used. If you would like to ask about the use of IAI Downloader in your shop, write a ticket to the Support Department, or call us.

Which product data can be updated?

IAI Downloader product update handles several dozen different types of data describing products.

Learn more about data supported by IAI Downloader updates.