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IOF 2.4 - brand new version of offer sharing format

Version 2.4 of IOF format has been published.

Modifications in comparison to 2.3 version:

  • dictionaries.xml file and all information on glossaries from full.xml file removed,
  • new parameters.xml file and information on parameters to full.xml file added,
  • culture-specific information added to preset.xml file.

When it comes to parameters in IOF, the change is not limited only to a file name change, but also:

  • parameters.xml file contains a list of all sections, parameters and values in sections, parameters, values tags - each element has its own ID.
  • full.xml file informs about what parameters product should have. Parameters are identified there with the same IDs as in parameters.xml file. IAI Downloader reads information about following parameter/section/value from parameters.xml file:
    • name in multiple languages,
    • description in multiple languages,
    • graphics on product card for multiple languages,
    • graphics on products list for multiple languages.

Notice: Current IAI Downloader version is not yet fitted to work with this format version. Soon a new version will be published with support for parameters.

More information about the IOF 2.4 can be found on Internet Offer Format (IOF) - functional specification webpage.